Sunday, August 31, 2008


Welcome to our new blog! If you're reading this, stop looking for any earlier posts - this is the first one! I've delayed starting a blog for a long time. What kind of name is 'blog?' Sounds like a combination of 'bloated frog' or something like that. I think that turned me off for a long time - but after seeing so many successful blogs I decided I couldn't go any futher without jumping on the bandwagon. Peer pressure for the 21st Century. Maybe one day I'll jump on Twitter or start a Facebook account or something like that. I've made it this far without Myspace, and I think I'll be okay.

So where will this go? I guess we'll see. My first thought was to create some online photo gallery of my pictures, and I may still make it happen. However, there are plenty of 'permanently borrowed' pics out there unattributed to their owner, so I'm going to wait a bit until I figure that one out. Stay tuned, but don't hold your breath. My second thought? Haven't figured out the first one yet, so the second one might be asking too much right now. At least Kathy gets to write in as well, proving yet again that 2 is better than one.

At the moment, I'm actually on call at work, posting from the callroom waiting to be paged. Something about Damocles' sword hanging on a string comes to mind.... So I'll post this now and come back when I can, might be awhile. I think I'll post a few more and give this whole blog thing a go-round before I'm satisfied enough to let everyone else know about it. So if you're reading this, I guess this isn't my only posting after all....