Sunday, March 15, 2009

A few updates

Greetings all; I hope you're doing well. Still working on my next big posting, might be a while. So in the meantime let me add a few pics.

Of lesser importance: it snowed (again) today. And I finally got my act together and did something I'd always wanted to do: ski down my backyard. That's right, ski in my backyard. This is the segue into my next ultimate posting: the injustice of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics... And yes, I had fun.

And on to the other news, in her debut, is Kathy pregnant! She's doing well, not lifting a finger, and staying home gestating. Today is 19+2! Here are a few pics for you.

Yay! Apologies for the mixed bag, but I'm way behind in my postings and stealing time anywhere I can to catch up.

Hope all is well, (hopefully) more to come soon...
