Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thanks a lot, Vancouver

A while ago, I posted my thoughts on the unjust distribution of Vancouver 2010 Olympics tickets.  Turns out I wasn't crazy.  It's made plenty of news here in the Seattle how many tickets have been made unavailable for average folks like you and me.  What? Whole blocks going to VIP's and uber-expensive hospitality packages?  Say it isn't so, Joe.  

Well, that's the way it goes.  We knew back in April we'd scored 2 tickets, so I probably ought not to complain.  We cracked the 2% end of the bell curve of fans who got any tickets at all.  Wow, I feel lucky.  Unfortunately, 2 tickets to one event wasn't going to be enough to justify the thousands (yes) of dollars in lodging we'd have to shell out just to even attend one day of competition.  Even if it is biathlon.  Yes, biathlon.  If you don't watch it, you probably won't appreciate it.  It's not your fault - it doesn't make TV here in the USA.  3 years living in Europe turned us on to all kinds of winter sports.  

But, alas, it is not meant to be.  I'd made my peace with it a long time ago.  That is, until the tickets showed up a few weeks ago.  
Yep, one big flat envelope.  Inside, the form letter starts with 'Dear Valued Customer.'  It basically says 'Don't lose them, or you're SOL.'  

Drumroll, please.... Official Olympics tickets:

Well, here they are.  So close, and yet so far.  But some good can come of this.  At least the Organizing Committee has developed a sell-back program for family members of the athletes looking for a few more tickets.  So it looks like the photos above will be our only keepsakes of the Vancouver 2010 games.  

And completely unrelated, I'm still working through some Venice pics, and plan a large entry (like my Naples one) at some point in the future.   Here's a sneak peek:



Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy Alex

A happy Alex, too cute to pass up.