Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Greetings again - seems like now is a good time to come back. The RNC convention is on TV, so that means we're watching the movie channel or something. Kathy is watching Jude Law crying like a girly-man in some movie with Cameron Diaz about a trip to England. Whatever. (Actually, it's a good movie, but not one I'd admit in mixed company to have seen). Jack Black has too much energy, and way too much control over his facial muscles to be humanly possible.

I guess we could also watch Project Runway. Aren't they on the second season? What happened to Christian? And who am I to know? Seriously, it's that or the convention. Doesn't everyone say the same thing anyway?

Well, enough of that. I should be doing real work, like working on pictures. I'm still (re)working old pictures I thought I had done well before. Since then I've learned Photoshop a bit more, and have a big 'ol 24inch Mac to help me view and work my pics, so I'm going through them all over again. Don't worry, I'm about 1,500 down, only 18,000 left to go. Seems like I don't have enough time to do what I want. I guess that's what it means to finally be retired. Gonna be a long time.

We haven't told anyone yet, but we're planning a last minute vacation to Disney in Orlando next week. That is, if we can squeeze it in between the train of hurricanes lining up in the Atlantic. The biggest worry seems to be Hurricane Ike. Haven't had one of those since D-Day, and that one was on our side. I guess Hurricane Rommel wasn't en vogue this year. If we're lucky, we might just get a day of rain.

Hey, Family Feud is on now - how many hosts do they have?? I've seen Al Roker, some big guy who I think is dead now, that Dawson guy way back when, and now it's Peterman from Seinfeld. We don't normally watch this kind of TV - in fact, we normally don't watch much TV at all.

So finally, back to Mahjong. I assume it's Chinese, but haven't figured the rest of it. Where did it come from? Why is it so popular here? What do the little symbols mean? ...Why does it matter? I guess it's a slow night after all. Hopefully the next time I'll have some more meaningful prose for you all.


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