Monday, January 26, 2009

A Guiness a day...

Through the magic of Photoshop, I can turn a perfect Guiness into a really cool black/white/color pic. This is from the one and only Guiness brewery in Dublin. It does taste better there, by the way.

However, Photoshop is not so cool as to actually MAKE the Guiness magically appear in front of me, a la Weird Science.

Oh well.

Coming soon, a brief discourse on the injustice of waiting for Olympics tickets....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What a day...

Whatever 'side' you're on, either way, today is historic, with a capital H. I'd always wondered what it was like to witness Neil Armstrong landing on the moon.

I think I now know.

And when I'm an old man, with and old voice, with my great grandchildren around me, I'll be able to say, "I remember when presidents were only white men."


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Took the plunge...

Just a quick update today. Spent the entire last week in Seattle at UW, doing stuff with the fellowship group. After a small amount of convincing, I joined Facebook so we could all keep a group together. Yes, I've joined the dark side. Although, at the moment, I'm not sure I remember the reasons for resisting, other than I really don't need another distraction on my time. But it's fun - all kinds of old friends popping out of the woodwork.

In other news, the sun has come out of the clouds here in the Puget Sound. I think I'll go outside for a few minutes to get my dose of Vitamin D for the season.

Hope all is well with you. Might be a few weeks before I get back to this.
