Saturday, January 17, 2009

Took the plunge...

Just a quick update today. Spent the entire last week in Seattle at UW, doing stuff with the fellowship group. After a small amount of convincing, I joined Facebook so we could all keep a group together. Yes, I've joined the dark side. Although, at the moment, I'm not sure I remember the reasons for resisting, other than I really don't need another distraction on my time. But it's fun - all kinds of old friends popping out of the woodwork.

In other news, the sun has come out of the clouds here in the Puget Sound. I think I'll go outside for a few minutes to get my dose of Vitamin D for the season.

Hope all is well with you. Might be a few weeks before I get back to this.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Manny, I'm so glad you guys are on Facebook, I am too as "Crecia Vo"- :)
Anyhow, I just wanted to tell you and Kathy that I got the Christmas card and am so happy for you guys! That's the best news ever! I'm praying for you guys! Can you give me Kathy's email so I can email her?
Hope to hear from you soon!