Sunday, March 15, 2009

A few updates

Greetings all; I hope you're doing well. Still working on my next big posting, might be a while. So in the meantime let me add a few pics.

Of lesser importance: it snowed (again) today. And I finally got my act together and did something I'd always wanted to do: ski down my backyard. That's right, ski in my backyard. This is the segue into my next ultimate posting: the injustice of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics... And yes, I had fun.

And on to the other news, in her debut, is Kathy pregnant! She's doing well, not lifting a finger, and staying home gestating. Today is 19+2! Here are a few pics for you.

Yay! Apologies for the mixed bag, but I'm way behind in my postings and stealing time anywhere I can to catch up.

Hope all is well, (hopefully) more to come soon...



Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

I LOVE seeing these pics...brings tears of joy to my eyes each time! Glad to catch up last week.

Anonymous said...

Kathy looks great! I'm glad to see some pictures of the baby and her... and of course you too Manny. Anyhow, keep us updated on how things are going for you guys!

Do you know if Kathy got my email?

Looking forward to your next blog update!