Monday, June 29, 2009

PSFMR Hail and Farewell '09 Faculty Video

After much wrangling with a certain website (rhymes with U-toob), I've decided instead to post the staff Hail and Farewell video here. It's not worth the 'copyright issues' they claim, nevermind that the video is completely original. (Perhaps they don't like the audio tracks...??)

Those of you who are not familiar with this fine Navy tradition, every year we farewell our residency graduates and hail our new interns. In our program, there's a friendly rivalry each year as to who can be funnier in their skit. This year, for perhaps the first time this side of bipedal man, the faculty have outdone the residents (not biased at all; I received verbal confirmation from the Chief Resident in mixed company). Unfortunately, many of the jokes will probably seem like inside jokes to you. Abundant apologies. Nevertheless, you might decide to stick around for the ending...

Due to size limits (it's a 14 minute video), I've split it in half.


Ken Fechner said...

Few things:

1) this is why the staff should have graduated to video a long time ago. A BIG improvement.

2) I do object to letting JibJab do all of the work. If you can't do your own special effects, it doesn't count.

3) While a HUGE improvement in staff performance, if this was really 10 times better than the residents' skits, then I completely failed as a mentor. I'm holding out hope that the class of Pope/Brawley/Alberico, whom I had much more influence on, will be able to restore the pride.


Anonymous said...

Well Ken, all I can say is....
we had a blast!!! Wish you were here to see it!!
Dave Congdon