Saturday, April 2, 2011

The end of things...?

If you're still reading this, congratulations, you're one of the very few left. I'm strongly considering stopping, or at the very least, restricting access to this blog. Google has a really neat feature for its blogs that tells you when the site is accessed, which entries, and which country they're accessing from. After some thinking, it's starting to freak me out a little that someone in Romania read about Alex, for example. Do I really want that? Furthermore, I've spent a lot of time and energy with the photos I've posted. Anyone can grab them and make them theirs.

So, I'm strongly considering killing access to this site. If you have an opinion, or want to be included in the 'safe' list, let either me or Kathy know. You should have at least one of our emails, or can reach us on facebook; and if you don't, then I don't want you reading about my family anyway.


Kerry said...

OK, so you caught me pinching your don't have to lock me out though! If you change everything, keep me in mind.

Stu and Theresa said...

Hey Doc, keep us in the loop too please...Grazie!