Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hello, my name is...

My daddy said I could post a blog entry, so here I am! Hello world! My name is Alex, and I'm named after one of my great-great grandfathers, Alejandro. He was Basque, and emigrated to Puerto Rico a long time ago. Some of you might wonder if I'm also named after Alexander the Great, but my dad doesn't think HE was in the family. But I am Great, so I'll just let that be.
Here are my grandparents, and it was really neat to meet them after I was born. Alsinas on the left, Cooks on the right, here at my baptism, which I slept all the way through. I know - water and music and everything! I even got to wear an old family baptism gown, over 80 years old, that my dad, grandma, and great grandpa once wore.
Kinda big dress, I know. But that's okay, all to appease my family. You know how it goes....

My life at this point pretty much revolves around 4 things: food in, food out, sleeping, and being crabby when I wanna be.
Actually, there's a secret 5th: being cute! Here I'm only 1 week old, so I can't hold my head up yet, but I'm learning how to do that now. Maybe daddy will remember to take some pictures of me when I'm awake holding myself up next time.
I'm even cute when I cry! WAH!! Haha, made you flinch! But for real, don't mess with me, because ounce for ounce, I'm louder than anyone else you know.

Yesterday was a momentous day. After 3+ weeks, my big fat umbilical cord FINALLY fell off! (Mom even saved it so dad could see it when he came home from work.) And that meant that I could finally have my first REAL bath - not that dang washcloth that just makes me upset.
It was a lot of fun - and I liked it! I didn't cry, panic, or anything else. And I smelled so good when I got out! Mom says I must have been pretty dirty, because even my hair (and I have so much of it!) looks lighter.
Okay, enough about that - did I mention I like to sleep? I'm still trying to figure it all out - you know, when, how much, where, all that. Sometimes I can sleep 3 hours before I wake up, but I'm okay taking as many naps as I can, usually with someone holding me:
And sometimes without even needing to be held! Don't worry, daddy wasn't going to let me fall.
Sometimes, I really like sleeping in my rocker and in my bouncy seat. They're really cool, and they play some cute tunes, but I think they're more for my parents than for me - I could do without them.
Lately, I've gotten used to sleeping in my own crib, which makes my parents really happy. Here are some pictures of my room. The theme is rockets and space and stuff like that.
There's even a really cool solar system mobile for me to look at. Someday. I can't see that far just yet.
Maybe one day I'll be an astronaut - who knows? Or a chef.

Well, this is making me tired and I'm starting to get a little cranky again. I think it's time to finish up. I'd like to say thank you for all the beautiful gifts, well wishes, and love I've received. My daddy will post more pictures once he gets some sleep!


The Hays Family said...

We received your announcement today so I thought I'd check your blog site. One word--beautiful. It reminds me to cherish all the moments, too. I'll be sure and let Russell know--he'll be so happy for you both!

Much Love--
Russell, Karla, Russell III, Emily & Elsa

Unknown said...

I am just your Nana so I am very biased. Alex you just look absolutely beautiful and I love the picture of your first bath! Not even a tear - you are amazing. Make sure you sleep some at night to your mommy can get some rest too. Poppy and Nana cannot wait to see you again.
God Bless You

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Alex, you are a very handsome, charming, and well-loved little guy. So happy to see all of the pics. So happy you are enjoying this special time as a new family. So happy you have arrived and we can't wait to meet you...come to Sicily! We love you and your parents very much.