Saturday, October 10, 2009

Photo Updates

Not much to say today; I'm forever behind in updating this blog. There aren't any good stretches of time anymore to add much at the moment, so I'll just drop some pics in that are at least a month old now, some with captions. Will add more soon.

Getting ready to watch the Michigan-Notre Dame football game. Alex is all decked out in his Wolverine onesie. Go BLUE!

And he knows a bad call when he sees one. "What kind of call was that?! He was totally IN bounds! Those refs are BLIND!"

"What you looking at? Get out of the way, dad - you're blocking the TV!"

My favorite. Just figuring out his social smile now....

Neck control is still something we're working on. He'll be able to watch Michigan in the Rose Bowl without support, don't worry....

Too much excitement. Time for a nap.

Yeah, what he said.

A few more pics for you below.

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