Saturday, December 19, 2009

Alex's First Christmas

Hi allI had hoped to post Venice today, but I'm woefully behind.  Instead, and certainly much better, are some quick pics of Alex and his first Christmas.  

Here is Alex in his Bumbo chair.  What's that, you say?  Think of molded foam 70's furniture for kids.  Babies who can't even roll over can get plopped into one of these, making it look like they can sit upright.  Which, of course, they can't, but I won't tell him if you won't.  

And now that it's cold outside, Alex has asked that we suit him up in his favorite hoodie sweatshirt.  He generally likes it, but only as far as I'm not taking pictures of him too often.

And finally, on to the Christmas tree and presents!  It was pretty difficult to make it come out, but I caught a decent pic of Alex staring down the tree.  Ooooh, lights......  

 This has been a great year.  Santa brought us baby Alex.

And he also brought a lot of loud, bright toys for him to play with when he's old enough.  I wonder if he also brought mom and dad some motrin.

 Peace to you, your family, and your friends this Holiday season. 

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