Monday, March 29, 2010


A quick micropost tonight.  I don't know much (okay, next to nothing) about plants; but I'm grateful that the owners of our house took the time to plant a wide range of perennials that have been absolutely beautiful for us to look at.  As I was cooking on the grill I couldn't help but notice these flowers and began to think about the cycle of the past 12 months.  I posted last year about this same thing - my god, has it really been (almost) 12 months??  So much has happened since the last time I thought about spring, flowers, seasons marching to the light and warmth.  So a quick few pics for you tonight.  (Side note: I definitely need a macro lens....)

On a different note, here are a few of one of our resident eagles, trying to eat his meal in peace.  The brave blackbirds you see were trying their hardest to harass Mr. Eagle and steal his food.  He ultimately left for more peace and quiet.  The nerve....