Saturday, April 3, 2010

Santorini, I knew you first!

An interesting thing happened the other day as I sifted through the junk mail.  An application for American Express Membership Rewards caught my eye, and this photo (below) on the cover immediately got my attention (link here): 

I knew immediately where this image was captured.  And how did I know where this was?  Because I've shot the same picture!  Judge for yourself:


Yes, that's right - American Express 'took' my shot!  (Of course, I shot mine first, during our first trip to Santorini in May, 2006).  If I remember right, it was taken at this ultra-expensive hotel located in the northern village of Oia.  (We didn't stay there - we just snuck in far enough to get the shot).  Absolutely beautiful - which is clearly why more than one person thought it worthy of photographing.

I, for one, finally feel some validation that (at least one of) my pictures could pass for a 'professional' one - well, maybe just a stock one - but I'll take it!

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Well, yours could use a little photoshopping to "brighten" it up.