Monday, April 19, 2010


We are so fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful places on earth.  Every spring, nearby Skagit County hosts one of the largest tulip festivals on earth.  The three of us got a chance to go this year, and for once, the weather cooperated with our plans.  I'm not going to post much, as my meager capacity for prose has gone into hiding tonight.  So I'll let our pictures do the talking. 

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring, Redux

Perhaps I spoke to soon?  We were walloped by a true winter storm the other day (finally - it's been the mildest winter ever).  The first and only snow we've seen all season. 

And Mr. Eagle came back.  Kathy took both these pics, and I'm rather impressed the eagle came out.  What do you think?


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Santorini, I knew you first!

An interesting thing happened the other day as I sifted through the junk mail.  An application for American Express Membership Rewards caught my eye, and this photo (below) on the cover immediately got my attention (link here): 

I knew immediately where this image was captured.  And how did I know where this was?  Because I've shot the same picture!  Judge for yourself:


Yes, that's right - American Express 'took' my shot!  (Of course, I shot mine first, during our first trip to Santorini in May, 2006).  If I remember right, it was taken at this ultra-expensive hotel located in the northern village of Oia.  (We didn't stay there - we just snuck in far enough to get the shot).  Absolutely beautiful - which is clearly why more than one person thought it worthy of photographing.

I, for one, finally feel some validation that (at least one of) my pictures could pass for a 'professional' one - well, maybe just a stock one - but I'll take it!