Saturday, December 19, 2009

Alex's First Christmas

Hi allI had hoped to post Venice today, but I'm woefully behind.  Instead, and certainly much better, are some quick pics of Alex and his first Christmas.  

Here is Alex in his Bumbo chair.  What's that, you say?  Think of molded foam 70's furniture for kids.  Babies who can't even roll over can get plopped into one of these, making it look like they can sit upright.  Which, of course, they can't, but I won't tell him if you won't.  

And now that it's cold outside, Alex has asked that we suit him up in his favorite hoodie sweatshirt.  He generally likes it, but only as far as I'm not taking pictures of him too often.

And finally, on to the Christmas tree and presents!  It was pretty difficult to make it come out, but I caught a decent pic of Alex staring down the tree.  Ooooh, lights......  

 This has been a great year.  Santa brought us baby Alex.

And he also brought a lot of loud, bright toys for him to play with when he's old enough.  I wonder if he also brought mom and dad some motrin.

 Peace to you, your family, and your friends this Holiday season. 

Saturday, November 21, 2009

San Diego and the Lobsterboy

Greetings all, I hope this finds you well.  A few quick pics in an attempt to catch up.  Alex is growing up so quickly.  He's doubled his birth weight in three and a half months already.  He's discovered his thumb, which often ends up in his mouth.  I'm working on video of his 'speech,' but don't have it ready yet for this - still trying to figure out the new video camera.

Here is our first, 'official' family picture.   We took the little one to a nearby pumpkin patch.  It was too cold for much time outside, so we snapped a quick photo and got back in the car.  Alex expressed his displeasure when he found out The Great Pumpkin would not be making an appearance.

Here is the other late entry from Halloween.  We dressed Alex up in a lobster costume and fit him in a big stock pot.  You can see the rest for yourself.  

It worked fairly well for a while; long enough to win first place at the party we attended.

Earlier this month, we made it to San Diego for an 'early' Thanksgiving with family.  Alex survived his first plane trip without a hitch.  He even got his first pair of wings.  I think I was more excited than he will ever be.  A few with family: 

And, of course, we had to make sure we got him in the same frame showing Navy over Notre Dame.  This is important stuff.

And lastly, my brother in law Will offered my dad and I a space on Alchemy, a 70-foot beast of a sailboat, during one of the more important local regattas.  I have NO sailing experience, so it was all I could do to stay out of the way and still get a few pics to share.  A few to share; hope you enjoy.  

Lastly, and completely unrelated, I'm still working on making some of this a travelog from our time in Europe.  In the past year, I've only gotten Naples and the Torino Olympics up, but I'm slowly working on Venice.  With any luck, you'll see it posted soon.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Photo Updates

Not much to say today; I'm forever behind in updating this blog. There aren't any good stretches of time anymore to add much at the moment, so I'll just drop some pics in that are at least a month old now, some with captions. Will add more soon.

Getting ready to watch the Michigan-Notre Dame football game. Alex is all decked out in his Wolverine onesie. Go BLUE!

And he knows a bad call when he sees one. "What kind of call was that?! He was totally IN bounds! Those refs are BLIND!"

"What you looking at? Get out of the way, dad - you're blocking the TV!"

My favorite. Just figuring out his social smile now....

Neck control is still something we're working on. He'll be able to watch Michigan in the Rose Bowl without support, don't worry....

Too much excitement. Time for a nap.

Yeah, what he said.

A few more pics for you below.